vergen 2.0.0

Generate version related functions


Version Build Status

NOTE: Version 2.x.x is compatible with Version 1.x.x, but introduces a completely new way to use the constants without having to use the include! macro.

NOTE: Version 1.x.x is a breaking change from the 0.1.0 series. This crate no longer generates functions to display the build time information, but rather generates constants. See below for more detail.

Basic Usage

vergen, when used in conjunction with the Build Scripts support in cargo, can either

  1. Generate environment variables to use with the env! macro. See the documentation for VergenKey for the environment variables names.
  2. Generate a file in OUT_DIR (defined by cargo) with up to 8 build time constants. This file can then be used with the include! macro to pull the constants into your source for use.

Example Cargo.toml

build = ""


vergen = "2"

Example (Version 2.x.x)

extern crate vergen;

use vergen::{ConstantsFlags, Result, Vergen};

fn main() {
    gen_constants().expect("Unable to generate vergen constants!");

fn gen_constants() -> Result<()> {
    let vergen = Vergen::new(ConstantsFlags::all())?;

    for (k, v) in vergen.build_info() {
        println!("cargo:rustc-env={}={}",, v);


Use constants in your code

fn my_fn() {
    println!("Build Timestamp: {}", env!("VERGEN_BUILD_TIMESTAMP"));

Example (Version 1.x.x)

extern crate vergen;

use vergen::{ConstantsFlags, Result, vergen};

fn main() {
    let mut flags = ConstantsFlags::all();
    vergen(flags).expect("Unable to generate constants!");

Example (Version 1.x.x only)

/// Compile Time (UTC)
pub const VERGEN_BUILD_TIMESTAMP: &str = "2018-08-09T15:15:57.282334589+00:00";

/// Compile Time - Short (UTC)
pub const VERGEN_BUILD_DATE: &str = "2018-08-09";

/// Commit SHA
pub const VERGEN_SHA: &str = "75b390dc6c05a6a4aa2791cc7b3934591803bc22";

/// Commit SHA - Short
pub const VERGEN_SHA_SHORT: &str = "75b390d";

/// Commit Date
pub const VERGEN_COMMIT_DATE: &str = "'2018-08-08'";

/// Target Triple
pub const VERGEN_TARGET_TRIPLE: &str = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu";

/// Semver
pub const VERGEN_SEMVER: &str = "v0.1.0-pre.0";

/// Semver (Lightweight)
pub const VERGEN_SEMVER_LIGHTWEIGHT: &str = "v0.1.0-pre.0";

Include the constants in your code (Version 1.x.x only)

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

format!("{} {} blah {}", COMMIT_TIME, SHA, SEMVER)


Licensed under either of


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.